Slot Waveguide Array

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  1. Slot Waveguide Array Definition
  2. Slotted Waveguide Array
  3. Waveguide Slot Array Antenna Design
  4. Broadband Waveguide Slot Array For Sar
  5. Silicon Slot Waveguide
Slot Waveguide Array

Slot Waveguide Array Definition

The following lines show the design and simulation of a Slot Waveguide Array Antenna (SWAA) for satellite communications in the 30 GHz band. The antenna will be approximately 170x170 mm, constituted by 24x24 slots. It will be fed by waveguides in a lower layer connected to the radiating guides through slots. This paper discusses the design, analysis, and development of waveguide-fed planar slot arrays to achieve low-average-sidelobe specifications, as may arise in radiometer applications. Such antennas may be required to meet strict average sidelobe levels in different angular regions, and low average return loss over a specified bandwidth. In addition to Elliott's design technique, we used a.

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Slotted waveguide arrays consist of a number of slots cut into the walls of a waveguide forming an array with the slots acting as individual radiating elements.

Slotted Waveguide Array

The specific design task here is a 10-element transversal slot array cut into the upper wide side of a WR-51 standard rectangular waveguide. The operating frequency is the center of the K band, 8.5 GHz.

Single slot model requires only 231 unknowns thanks to higher order MoM applied in WIPL-D Pro 3D EM Solver. The array model is built by using the single slot model and applying a single Copy operation to create the other 9 array elements. That model requires only 1149 unknowns. Single slot simulation lasts under a second on a standard desktop PC or any low-end laptop with dual or quad core CPU, while the array simulation lasts only a few seconds.

Section: Arrays & Radomes

WaveguideSlot Waveguide Array

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Waveguide Slot Array Antenna Design

Slot Waveguide Array

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Slotted waveguide arrays consist of a number of slots cut into the walls of a waveguide forming an array with the slots acting as individual radiating elements.

Broadband Waveguide Slot Array For Sar

The specific design task here is a 10-element transversal slot array cut into the upper wide side of a WR-51 standard rectangular waveguide. The operating frequency is the center of the K band, 8.5 GHz.

Single slot model requires only 231 unknowns thanks to higher order MoM applied in WIPL-D Pro 3D EM Solver. The array model is built by using the single slot model and applying a single Copy operation to create the other 9 array elements. That model requires only 1149 unknowns. Single slot simulation lasts under a second on a standard desktop PC or any low-end laptop with dual or quad core CPU, while the array simulation lasts only a few seconds.

Section: Arrays & Radomes

Silicon Slot Waveguide

For full version of the document, please check the following pdf.